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Subnet: Host

Ladies and gentlemen, crypto enthusiasts and members of the CryptoClash community, welcome to today’s highlighted, anticipated Ask Me Anything!

We are thrilled to have you join with us as we delve into the innovative world of blockchain technology and decentralized finance. Today, we are honored to introduce a project that is set to significantly enhance the Bitcoin ecosystem, the Zulu Network.

As the first Bitcoin Layer 2 platform to introduce a dual-layer architecture. Zulu Network brings stability and innovation to the blockchain space. Their unique two-layer system featuring Zulu Prime and Zulu Nexus enhances functionality and foster opportunities for smart contracts, scalability, and decentralized applications on the Bitcoin network. 

To provide us with a deeper insight into this transformative project, we are privileged to have with us Luke, the co-founder of Zulu Network. Luke will work us through the core concept and vision of Zulu Network, highlighting how it bridges the gap between the traditional finance and the future of decentralized finance on Bitcoin. 

But before we delve into the intricacies of the project, I would like to ask Luke to introduce himself and share a bit about his background.Luke, the floor is yours.

Luke: Guest

Amazing. Yeah. Thanks for that very detailed and flattering introduction of Zulu Network on my project here. So yeah, as you mentioned, I’m Luke, the co-founder of Zulu Network. My background was in traditional finance, coming from the trading side of the investors banking industry. Previously, I was at JPMorgan and after that I was at Nomura. And I transitioned into crypto as a product manager with OKX. On the institutional products team, bringing platforms to market that help large sized traders and funds exchange crypto spot derivative products, you know, in ways they were used to in traditional financial markets. But I was looking to be at the forefront of blockchain technology, you know, innovation and just pushing the space forward. And you know, my opinion, the most interesting new development, most promising area of blockchain involves scaling and improving the already number one blockchain Bitcoin.

Which is why I started the current project, Zulu Network.


Subnet: Host

Thank you. Thank you, Luke, for this insightful introduction of yourself. It’s great to have you here with us today. Now, let me outline the agenda for today’s session. Our AMA will be divided into two segments. First is the project introduction. In this segment, I will be asking you five introductory questions about the project Zulu Network to give us a comprehensive understanding about the project.

Following that, the introductory questions, we will open the floor to the community for live questions, giving the community a chance to engage directly with you and to learn more about Zulu Network. So now let’s start with the segment one, that is the project introduction. Are you ready, Luke? 


Yeah, absolutely, bring it on.

Subnet: So here is the first question about Zulu Network.

So what is Zulu Network and how does it enhance the functionality of Bitcoin blockchain? 


Yeah, all right. Sure. Good first question here. So Zulu Network is a groundbreaking platform that enhances the functionality of the Bitcoin blockchain by introducing, as you mentioned earlier, a dual layer architecture and enabling the development of decentralized applications and smart contracts right on top of the Bitcoin network.

So it empowers Bitcoin economy with limitless innovation and bridges the gap between Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. And Zulu Network is also building the first decentralized Bitcoin bridge to connect all Bitcoin layer twos and the entire crypto ecosystem to the Bitcoin ecosystem and this particular the Bitcoin main net. Like most of the blockchain world, you know, the Zulu team, myself included, we were captivated by the immense possibilities. Robin Linus put forth in the white paper for BitVM. And we believe in the ethos brought forth by Satoshi of true decentralization, the promise of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain as a whole. So what we’ve accomplished here is, our engineering team has managed to use Bitcoin strips, the programming language used in the Bitcoin network that allows nodes to perform actions and for any participants to.

And you know, make things actually happening. And using this, they’re able to verify a zero knowledge proof or a ZKP, as I’ll probably say at some point later on. So Zulu network has successfully developed and passed the verification algorithm test for the first ZKP algorithm scripted in Bitcoin. And that’s crucial because it demonstrates the feasibility of using zero knowledge proofs within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

By scripting this, you know, this first ZKP algorithm in Bitcoin, we’ve set the foundation for the construction of the first decentralized bridge based on BitVM. And this bridge will enable trust-minimized cross-chain operations, which means that users can perform large asset transfers across chains while still maintaining the security and integrity of those transactions, that same trust and security you get on the Bitcoin mainnet.

Subnet: Thank you. Thank you for that comprehensive introduction of Zulu Network. Moving to my next question.

So can you please explain the dual layer architecture of Zulu Network and its significance for stability and innovation in the decentralized applications?

Luke: Of course, yeah. This is of course one of the central pieces of what it is we brought and what it is that’s unique about what we’re offering. So the dual layer architecture of Zulu Network, it’s a significant innovation that combines stability on the one hand and

innovation for decentralized applications. And these two layers, they are Zulu Prime, that’s the layer two. This is the layer two solution for the Bitcoin blockchain, providing EVM, Ethereum Virtual Machine compatibility to the Bitcoin network. And what this means is that developers can and users can leverage the extensive ecosystem and tooling of Ethereum to build the apps and smart contracts on the Bitcoin network.

And by incorporating EVing compatibility, Zulu opens up a wide range of possibilities for developers and users, enabling them to do those same kind of things they’re familiar with on Ethereum, like in that kind of development platform, while still benefiting from the security and reliability of the Bitcoin blockchain. And then the second part of dual layer is Zulu Nexus. So that’s the layer three, one level down from Zulu Prime.

And this layer focuses on native Bitcoin format innovations. It integrates the scalability of the UTXO model, unspent transaction output. This is the format actually that Bitcoin itself uses, along with a few others, but it’s a little less common than the EVM model. And it explores new possibilities for Bitcoin’s original ecosystem and native assets. So this layer enhances the functionality of the Bitcoin network.

And enables the development of innovative solutions that leverage the unique features of Bitcoin. So yeah, this dual layer architecture is ensuring stability by preserving that security and reliability of Bitcoin while also fostering innovation through even compatibility, bring those Ethereum-like features into the Bitcoin ecosystem and allowing innovation in those Bitcoin native formats. Yeah, thank you, Luke. Thank you for sharing that explanation. Dual layer architecture of the Julu network with its EVM compatibility, indeed being significant advantage to the ecosystem. This compatibility ensures that the developer can easily deploy Ethereum-based smart contract on Zulu network without any modification, thereby enhancing the network’s utility and accessibility. Moving to my next question. So how does Zulu Prime operates as a layer on Bitcoin and what does EVM compatibility mean for the developer and users?

So Zulu Prime, this is the layer two solution that we offer for the Bitcoin blockchain. And the primary purpose or the primary functionality is that it provides EVM compatibility. That’s Ethereum virtual machines I was mentioning before. What that means is developers and users can get the access to the EVM platform to build and execute smart contracts or applications on the Bitcoin network.

So this compatibility, e-gaming compatibility, is significant for developers and users because it’s a familiar development environment. Developers can leverage their existing knowledge. You don’t need to pick up a whole new language or figure out a whole new format. It’s one they’re already familiar with. It’s one that we’ve seen work before and that people are already building in and using. So you can use those if they’re in smart contract development, you know, their tools, all the existing libraries to build the DApps.

But now you can do it on the Bitcoin network through Zulu. And, you know, importantly, this reduced the learning curve, right? You don’t have to learn something new, like the same people that are already building can now just come over to us and build the exact same way, or even just copy their existing projects and do it on a new network. And that means, you know, we can scale up a lot faster. You can build these things faster because, you know, you already know how to do what you’ve already done before. And the other really important thing it brings is interoperability. So, you know, EVM compatibility, means seamless interoperability between Ethereum and Bitcoin ecosystems and anything else that’s actually even compatible. It’s not just Ethereum that has this feature. So, developers can leverage the vast and deep amount of absence use cases in the Ethereum ecosystem, including the existing ones, the existing tokens, the infrastructure, all the things that are already built in Ethereum.

With the security and reliability of the Bitcoin blockchain and apply some of your stagnant Bitcoin into those same use cases. And finally, it brings expanded use cases as I was mentioning. So EVM compatibility enables the creation of decentralized finance, or as we’re calling it in the Bitcoin area, we’re calling it BitFi. So you can bring these applications, tokenization, any other innovative solutions right to the Bitcoin network. So,

You know, doing this, you get all these other use cases, all these other applications that you’ve seen before in other places, but now you get to tie that to the utility of Bitcoin. And that ideally should attract more developers and more users into the ecosystem.


Thank you, Luke, for the explanation. And it’s exciting to see how Zulu Prime operates as a layer two solution on Bitcoin. The ability to build on Bitcoin network using EVM-compatible code opens up a world of possibility for developers and users alike. 

Now moving to my next question. So what is Zulu Nexus and how does it focus on native Bitcoin format innovations as a layer three solution? 


Right, yeah, so just as Zulu Prime is layer two.

Zulu Nexus is layer three. So that’s one, you know, it’s a roll up onto Zulu Prime. And this solution within Zulu Network’s dual layer architecture focuses on, as you mentioned, those native Bitcoin format innovations aiming to explore new possibilities for Bitcoin’s original ecosystem and native assets. So key features and significant of that are UTXO scalability. So,

Zulu Nexus leverages the scalability of the unspent transaction output model, which is, as I mentioned, the native format of Bitcoin transactions. This is allowing for efficient and scalable processing of transactions, enhancing the overall performance of the Bitcoin network. Next, it brings native Bitcoin as an innovation. So, you know, we want to see people trying to innovate in Bitcoin. We see people already pushing the boundaries of what Bitcoin was built to do and is capable of doing. with runes, ordinals, a whole bunch of other new formats, and new features. And we’re providing a platform for people to explore those new ways to utilize these native Bitcoin assets. And that could include, in addition to what I’ve already mentioned, developing . new financial instrument locations, and any other innovative solutions that leverage those unique properties that Bitcoin has. So yeah, Zulu Nexus is going to complement Zulu Prime by focusing on those Bitcoin specific innovations to expand the capabilities of, we already know and love about Bitcoin. Just give new possibilities, new features for developers and users to play around with and benefit from. It provides developers with the space for ongoing and sustained innovation.

We don’t really favor any specific technical direction, but rather we’re committed to integrating the strengths of all the different approaches to foster true prosperity in the Bitcoin industry, the Bitcoin economy for all Bitcoin users and developers.


Thank you, Luke, for shedding light on Zulu Nexus. It’s fascinating to learn how Zulu Nexus, as a Layer-3 solution, leverages the unique capabilities of the Bitcoin network to drive innovation. By offering tools and infrastructure specially designed for Bitcoin, Zulu Nexus enables developers to build advanced applications that fully utilize Bitcoin’s potential, attacking those who are particularly interested in building on the Bitcoin network.

Moving to my next and last question of this segment. 

So in what ways does the Zulu Network foster ecosystem innovation and connect the Web3 world uniquely?


Yeah, so what’s really unique about us is, you know, that we’re fostering ecosystem innovation and connections through that dual layer architecture that you already brought up earlier, and I’ve expanded on a little bit here, and our innovative approach to Bitcoin. So, you know, we distinguish ourselves as trailblazers. This space is specifically for the Bitcoin ecosystem, focusing on expanding Bitcoin’s capabilities while maintaining the foundational principles of security and reliability. Zulu uniquely enhances the Bitcoin network by integrating that dual layer architecture that supports both traditional UTXO and advanced programmable features like you see in Ethereum and other networks. And this will allow for the development of sophisticated DeFi or BitFi applications.

You know, first by bridging the gap between Bitcoin and existing networks, our decentralized Bitcoin bridge, you know, one of the really key features, one of our proudest accomplishments. You know, this connects all the Bitcoin layer solutions with the rest of the crypto ecosystem to that Bitcoin mainnet. And the bridge infrastructure enables seamless interoperability and collaboration between different blockchain networks and different communities, which we expect, you know, connecting those together and bring them to one place in the same area.

It’ll foster innovation, expand the reach of that key and stand out Bitcoin ecosystem. And next, we aim to expand the ecosystem by attracting developers for the innovative BitFi applications by engaging in strategic partnerships, broadening the adoption utility of Bitcoin DeFi, BitFi. By expanding this ecosystem, Zulu is creating a vibrant environment for collaboration and innovation. And finally, By being on the forefront of research and development, Zulu Network is allocating a lot of effort, a lot of resources towards development focused on Bitcoin, exploring new technologies like BitVM as I mentioned, and other methodologies that enhance Bitcoin’s capabilities and integrate with Zulu’s architecture. So, our commitment to R&D ensures that Zulu stays at the forefront of technological advancements and continues fostering innovation throughout the ecosystem. So, you know, our unique combination of dual layer architecture, the decentralized bridge, and focus on, you know, ecosystem expansion through like research and development, positions us as the catalyst for innovation and connectivity in the blockchain and web three worlds.


Thank you, Luke, for that comprehensive answer. It’s clear that Zulu Network is dedicated to fostering ecosystem innovation and uniquely connecting the web-through world by bridging Bitcoin with different network across the crypto space. So by enabling the interoperability between Bitcoin and other blockchain network, Julu Network facilitates the seamless transfer of asset and data and functionalities. This interoperability not only enhances the utility of Bitcoin, but also integrate it more deeply into the broader crypto ecosystem, driving innovation and collaboration across various platform and committees.

So with that, we conclude the first segment of our AMA. Let’s appreciate Luke for his details, explanation and insight into the Zulu Network. 


Now let’s move on our next segment of our session, that is live Q&A.

So in this part, where the community, get the chance to ask you question directly, Luke

So let’s get started with our first community question. I will admit first community member!

Hello there, can you hear me? 

1st guy: Yeah, Hello Hey, I just wanted to ask, um, you made mention of managing all BTC layer 2. I just wanted to know, how do you plan to manage all BTC layer 2 and, um, still ensure the scalability of your network?


Well, I mean when I say manage other Bitcoin layer 2, I don’t mean, you know, like we’re gonna assume the project, right? What we are providing is a bridge to those networks It’s a connection with them through you know like some of the architecture that we’ve built in-house and also some of our strong bridging partners and the idea there is you know be able to Bring some of that values from those assets into our network and connect that to the Bitcoin mainnet So if what you mean by that is, you know, it’s gonna be a very heavy load on our nodes, you’re absolutely right. So one of the first things we actually are focusing on is making sure that we do have the miners and the nodes and the validators in place. They can really handle a very heavy load to make sure that this heavy burden of transaction processing will be managed effectively. It will be, the network will be able to handle it. But just given that, you may have seen this with other projects in this space.

You have like Bitcoin and Ethereum that have pretty small blocks and relatively infrequent block times. You know, Zulu is going to have much larger blocks and much shorter block times, meaning that there’s a lot more available space to, you know, store and capture all these transactions, which does, you know, it sounds like you’re doing more work because there’s extra, you know, there’s extra supply. You’re better suited to handle more of these, you know, high flows.

kind of like, you know, you look at like Solana and Aptos and all these, you know, they kind of take the same model of, you know, just like optimizing for really high throughput. And while our architecture is different, it falls under the same philosophy of like being set up in a way where, you know, just like the foundational approach to how we build our blockchain will be able to, you know, manage and take on whatever you really throw at us.

1st Guy: 

Okay, thank you. I’m sorry, please. I have a more question. I don’t know if I can ask


Yeah, go ahead. 

1st Guy: Oh, okay. Thank you very much. So, for someone building a deck on top of a Biscone network that wants to do that with the Zulu, do you offer a step-by-step guide or other materials that one can go through?


So we do on our website have a page dedicated to the ecosystem. There are some docs up there that you can read through and get an idea of what it takes to build on the network. That being said, we are built in our test net. The code isn’t all locked down, so all of the different features aren’t exactly like, you know, they’re not frozen yet.

But that being said, yeah, once we are in main net, once we are in a place where we’re ready to take on more community projects, we’re going to make sure that that documentation is ready and accurate and detailed so that anybody like you who does want to, you know, who wants to have some creative ideas, some strong project they want to build, and see Zulu as the best place for it, you know, you have what you need to make that happen as seamlessly as possible.

1st Guy:

Okay, thank you very much Luke for your response.


Okay, before we proceed further, I would like to remind everyone about a key requirement for today’s AMA session. To be eligible for AMA rewards, it’s mandatory for all participants to join the Zulu Network Telegram Community and follow their Twitter account. You can find all the links in the Crypto Clash announcement on Telegram or Twitter. So by joining their Telegram and following on Twitter, you will not only stay informed but also connect with fellow enthusiasts and developer, who are equally passionate about the potential of Zulu Network. So make sure to complete this step to be eligible for the reward.


Thanks for the reminder, I really appreciate that. 


That’s my pleasure, OK moving to our next participant, Martin. Hello Martin, can you hear me?

2nd Guy: Yes, I can hear you guys. Hello, how’s it going?

Luke: Very good, How about you, Martin?

2nd Guy: 

Well, very well, thank you. My question is about your Zulu Prime. From what I can see on your website, it says it acts as a layer 2 on Bitcoin with EVM compatibility. Can you explain more about that EVM compatibility?

I would like to know how the integration of Ethereum and CWY will enhance the functionality of the layer. So can you give more information on that? 


Well, sure. So what even compatibility means, you know, like that’s the virtual machine that was developed by the Ethereum developers. So it’s a framework for being able to execute applications in a blockchain environment.

Now, you know, why do we see this is so key and what are we trying to do with the network here? Well, Bitcoin doesn’t have that, you know, being the original blockchain, you know, this idea really hadn’t, you know, it wasn’t something that Satoshi had thought it was something that Vitalik came up with later and built Ethereum to actually, you know, like fulfill. So it’s something that ever since, actually, even before Ethereum was a cryptocurrency, if you follow the history,

Bitcoin forum saying like, here’s my idea for how to do some more interesting things. You can do contracts that are executed purely through code on a blockchain. Like, here’s how I think Bitcoin can do it. And he was actually refused. The Bitcoin miners didn’t accept that change. That’s why he started Ethereum. So, you know, we’re kind of here to address that. We’re kind of giving, you know, both of those parties what they were after. The miners and validators in Bitcoin who didn’t want to make the changes that would allow for a virtual machine on Bitcoin. We’re not changing the Bitcoin mainnet. It stays exactly the same as it is right now. But to those who see the potential, see the value of having virtual machine, having applications and smart contracts on Bitcoin native assets, well, through the decentralized bridge and the layer two, you can have that too.

So it’s really bringing Bitcoin up to speed and even possibly ahead of the other networks without having to compromise any of any of you know what the bitcoin maxis really value in the network. So does that answer your question, Martin? 

2nd Guy: Yes, it does and I still have another follow-up question because from what I can see I’m currently on your website and I even looked at the fact that you look at all the transactions published with the wallet and the transaction hash but one thing I also noticed is the ERC20 network, which you have chosen. I’m trying to reach and I cannot see, is there a particular amount that is the bare minimum that has to do what I can reach, or do you have plans to add to the bridge amount? I don’t know if you get my point. So you’re on the test net, right?


This is actually, I don’t know if you’re in the community, but it’s something that people bring up a lot. And we do try to answer as many of you as possible, but it’s just it is a lot of people in there asking a lot of things. We don’t manage the Bitcoin side of that bridge. That’s actually the, you know, the public Bitcoin testnet that everyone uses, not just us. So there’s, it goes back to the, you know, what I was saying in the last question about managing the, managing the burden of all these transactions. You know,

You guys in the test net and you’re not the only ones who are using this, using the Bitcoin test net. So it really is overwhelmed with everybody, every project who wants to do something in Bitcoin, trying to use that test net and fees are getting high and the financial times are getting very slow. One thing we’ve been discussing is, can we up the amount of gas you’re able to pay? We can offer our test users to pay to prioritize transactions, but there’s a double-edged sword there of.

if you’re paying more, can you afford to do it? And it gets expensive for you to use the bridge. So, we are aware of it. It’s a very difficult problem to come up with because we don’t control the solution, but we are trying. I do appreciate that you are engaging the test net and you’re trying to use the bridge we put there for you.


2nd Guy: Yes, very quickly and lastly now, very quickly and lastly now, your connect wallets option, why do you not have trust wallets? 

I’m more comfortable using Trust Wallet. I don’t use any of this wallet. So do you have plans to, you know, onboard Trust Wallet? Because what I’ve seen Trust Wallet is good ever any wallets,So will there be plans to add Trust Wallet? Given the fact that I am a user of Trust Wallet. So I feel safe using it. I’ve not been telling you of this wallets before. 

Luke: Yeah, so I mean we’re open to, you know, any and all strong partners. I think it’s someone we’d love to, you know, speak with and get them to integrate.

Now, that being said, I think Trust Wallet might have guides for how you can manually add our RPC, you know, our blockchain network. You know, like when we say that we partner with FoxWallet and Dicke, it’s only like what that really means that you can go into those wallets, search Zulu, and like they’ve already filled in for you, you know, like the URL and the details of our network. I’m pretty sure that Trust Wallet lets you do that manually.

Although I’m not a Trust Wallet user myself, so I can’t confirm that. But yeah, we do want to meet the users where they are, so we are working as hard as we can to convince these partners what the value is for them to integrate our network as soon as possible to help you guys out.

2nd guy: Alright, I think I’ll call the end. I’m over-trustful host. Thank you. 

Luke: Nice, your question’s smart.

3rd Guy: Hello, Luke. Can you hear me?

Luke: Hello, BlockTalk. Yes, I hear you just fine. 

3rd Guy: Okay. So, I have some questions for you. So for the first question, 

What were some of the biggest technical challenges you faced while developing the dual layer architecture of Zulu Network? And how did you overcome them?

Luke: Okay. Well, I’m not one of the engineers. I’m not one is able to actually build one of these. But what I can tell you about, you know, like from my time of course managing that team. One of the biggest things, and actually this did happen before this project started because the team that we’re working with actually has been in the blockchain space much longer than I have. There’s a reason I picked the smartest people out there with the head of the field who really, really know these things way better than me. So actually doing a virtual machine in UTXO is really, really hard. As I mentioned,

Bitcoin is a UTXO network and it does not have a virtual machine. So coming up with a way to, you know, bring virtual machine into that format was something that they had solved ahead of our, you know, us deciding to start Zula network. But I know that was one that, you know, it took some really brilliant minds a lot of time to figure out. Yeah. And besides that, I would say that was probably the biggest one in the three layer architecture.

The decentralized bridge, of course, if you consider that part of the three layer, that was probably the number one most simple thing, because that’s something that, you know, Robin Linus’ paper about BitVM, that was only released in October. And you know, not just our team, but some of the top teams, top researchers in the blockchain space have been furiously working to get a working limitation of it. And you know, our team was the first one to have a test.

where a ZK proof was validated on the Bitcoin mainnet. So, you know, just like edging those really, really, really in people out to make that accomplishment, I’d say was probably the number one hardest thing to overcome.

3rd Guy: Yeah, that’s makes sense. So what differentiates Zulu Network from other layer two solutions like Lightning Network or other EVM compatible platforms? 

Luke: Well, Lightning is the easy one. Lightning is a state channel, so it’s not actually a network in and of itself. There’s no native token. It’s just kind of a series of cryptographic signatures between you and one other person to prove that the beginning and end balance are correct, regardless of how many transactions happen in between. So yeah, very, very different from Lightning. But in terms of the other Bitcoin Layer 2s, especially the EDM ones, some of the smaller differences, as you mentioned, the three-layer architecture.

Bitcoin scaling solution here that is really focused on the Bitcoin native innovation side. We see real potential in the story around UTXO and Bitcoin native format innovation. And we’re building our network in a way that makes it really easy to experiment and build new things in that format. While it’s great to do that on Bitcoin itself, it’s secure, it’s trustworthy, and people know it.

It is expensive and it is slow, so it’s cumbersome and kind of restrictive. People who see it may have some proj idea that they might be a little bit nervous to start because of the cost involved. But really, the biggest and number one difference is that we are the first ones who are making the most progress on that decentralized Bitcoin bridge. So rather than having to rely on any kind of centralized bridging solutions, like if you want to use wrap Bitcoin in Ethereum or even, you know, like Arbitrum, Optus and one of those. You know, you can do it right now. It’s just that you’re relying on some custodian, you know, like some trusted other party to make sure that the, your Bitcoin gets from the main net to whatever network you’re using to do, you know, to engage in DeFi. And, you know, we’re removing that. We’re going to make it a trust minimized way to engage your Bitcoin assets into, you know, as you were mentioning at the EVM, like the applications, the yields, the smart contracts that EVM allows, you no longer need to trust your counterpart to get Bitcoin from one network to the other. And that’s the biggest thing we offer.

3rd Guy: Yeah. So, well, are there any educational programs or initiatives that Zulu Networks offer to help new users and developers to get started with the platform?

Zuke: So we are still in our test net. So it’s a little bit early for people to start, you know, like building on their own, you know, like individual projects. That being said, you know, we, as we work towards the main net, we’re building out our grants program. And as I mentioned earlier, the, you know, the engineering documentation, actually I think a lot of our GitHub is public now. You’re gonna start even looking through that. And our docs are, you know, they’re there.

They have relevant information, but until we do have the live main net, there’s always gonna be something incomplete there, But yeah, once that is ready, we’re going to make sure that, you know, whatever resources you need to build your project, you have to get really involved. You know, that’s going to be there for you to read through. And then, of course, you know, go to the communities, ask your questions there. The Discord server is, of course, going to have a developer section as well. You know, just give users several different resources and avenues to get that support they need to, you know, build and grow our ecosystem.

3rd Guy: Thank you so much Luke for answering all of my questions in a clear and conscious manner and I will keep supporting Zulu Network. Thank you once again. 

Luke:Amazing. I appreciate your support Blocktalk. Thanks for your questions. 

Subnet: Okay, moving to our next participant, Tim Cloud. Team, can you hear me? 

4th Guy: Yeah. Hello Luke. Hello host, Subnet, can you hear me? 

Subnet: Yeah. Hi, thanks for joining us.

4th Guy: All right, so Zulu Network, from what I can see, you guys have some really big claims, permit me to say, because I can see in your section right now where you talked about, you know, should I call it a comparison with the Ethereum network, given the fact that you guys, that whatever Ethereum can do, Zulu Network can also do in the same respect. So considering its sustainability as regards to the sustainability for the Ethereum network, and Zulu Network, which is a young up start, how can you actually back up that clean, to keep up with what Ethereum is currently have going on right now?

Zuke: I mean, yeah, it’s a really great question, a really fair one too, I would say. I mean, what we mean by that is that anything you can do on Ethereum, you can do that on Zulu Network as well. Our architecture is set up in a way that any projects, any application that functions on Ethereum, can also be built on Zulu. I mean, it would be ridiculous for us to claim that, we’re a higher, we have more users, we have more partners in Ethereum, they’ve had a head start, they’re clearly a very dominant chain. But what we are saying is that anyone who already has built there or has used Ethereum, those things that you like about it, we have them as well and other things. And that’s our selling point that. We are new and as a result of being new, we’re at the forefront of technology. We’re not held back by any vested interests. So we can give you the very, very best of what blockchain technology offers right now that, you know, maybe Ethereum has been too slow to catch up with, or may never catch up with just because of, you know, like it was built in an earlier time before there were other developments, other new features discovered that we can just support straight from the start.

4th Guy: All right. OK, cool. Thank you so much. Another question I would like to talk about, you know, is your draw layer architecture, which I think from my own experience, sort of is new, sets you apart from other networks. But I still consider the fact that there are several networks, just like what I’ve said before, that have implemented something that I consider since experientially, I’ve not really had, you know, an experience of what the dual layered architecture is all about. But as regards to stability and should I say functionality, how has it actually helped Zulu Network so far? 


You mean the dual layer architecture, how has it helped so far? 

4th Guy: Yes, exactly. How does it make it, how does it keep Zulu Network maybe special from others, who have other strategies within there?


Yes. So what makes it is special about the dual layer is that it focuses on Bitcoin native innovation. You know, as I mentioned, these UTXO formats and the new kinds of assets and utilities can use with those without sacrificing all of the benefits we’ve seen over the past several years developed in the EVM side. So we’re kind of marrying these two different worlds that previously were.  very separate and very different. And one was kind of pulling away, I would argue, that a lot more projects were being built with EVO compatibility or some kind of virtual machine compatibility. And the UTXO side was a little bit relegated just to a few people who were trying things out on Bitcoin and it’s really not much else. But in the last year or so, if you’ve been following with Ordinals and Runes and whatnot, there’s renewed interest in what you can do with UTXO and Bitcoin specifically.

And that’s what our layer three is focusing on, providing a more flexible, more user friendly, faster and cheaper layer to do these same kind of things before trying to do on Bitcoin, but then engage that also in the benefits that EVM and smart contracts and DeFi offers. Um, that doesn’t exist anywhere else. And that’s what we’re trying to do here with the dual layer architecture.

4th Guy: 

Okay, I think that’s fair enough. And thank you so much for answering my question. We have great respect, despite the fact that my question might actually look confrontational. So it’s a good thing that you guys are actually doing, and I really wish you guys the very best. Amazing.

Luke: Yeah, thanks so much for your questions, Tim.

Subnet: So, moving to our next and last participant of today’s event. Hello Mehmet, can you hear me? 

5th Guy:

Am i audible?

Subnet: Yeah, I can hear you.

5th Guy: Okay. 

Can you tell us about your plans for 2024 and for long term? What you are currently focusing on and are you going to expand?


Yeah, I mean, that’s a great question. So I just don’t know if that’s it so far. Right, so we are currently in our test nets. That is the primary focus right now, is drawing the users in, testing it out. We’re asking you to do transactions and do swaps. And this data helps us understand where there may be vulnerabilities, where we need to improve things, why it may be slow or lacking, what parts of the infrastructure might need improvements. So do appreciate you guys.

Faithfully going in every day and doing those tasks. So right, with the test net, as we are observing and iterating, the goal is of course get that to a stable state and then release our main net. So we are expecting, obviously very touch and go, but it’s sometime later this year, we plan to go to main net and then work on rolling out the layer three. So actually, If you’ve been doing our testing, you know that’s only the layer two right now, the Zulu prime layer. So once we have that in a state that we’re comfortable with, that’s when development on the layer three Zulu Nexus will begin. And it would be a similar timeline there, a similar process where we will engage in the test net, we’ll roll out some activities, missions, ways you would engage to help us evaluate that before moving that to go live as well.

And of course, in the meantime, with all of that, we’re going to be looking at getting more partners, you know, getting you the usability, the features you like, the applications you know and love from Ethereum and new ones. You know, as I mentioned, we’re really, really, you know, we’re really interested in what the UTXO and the Bitcoin native innovation story is. So finding those projects who are doing unique and interesting things in the Bitcoin ecosystem, you know, we want to bring those two as well and partner with them and show them why Zulu is the best avenue for them to realize those goals. So that’s what we’re gonna be focusing on. Plus on a slightly more fun note, we’ll probably be at a few more of the crypto conferences coming up. Pay attention to our Twitter page, our Telegram, you’ll see all of the events we’re gonna be going to, hosting, more Twitter spaces, more AMAs. So plenty of ways for you to engage to find out more. Eventually you can meet and see me, see other members and you know, just get involved with the Zulu mission.


I think you got your answer Mehmet. 

5th Guy: Yes, I got it.

Luke: Nice question Mehmet, appreciate that.

Subnet: Okay, with that question answered, we really came to the end of our two-day session. 

Thank you everyone for participating in our two-day session. It has been an enlightening experience learning about the Zulu Network and how it’s aimed to enhance the Bitcoin ecosystem, which is there.

Dual layer architecture and EVM compatibility. A big thank you to Luke for his time and insightful answer. Your explanation have given us a clearer understanding of two network visions and innovative solution it’s bring to the world of decentralized finance and blockchain technology. And we also want to extend our gratitude to our audience who joined us today, heard us through the session and engaged on the live Q&A. And your support and enthusiasm make this session incredibly valuable. So before we end, do you have any closing remarks, Luke? 

Luke: Yeah, so I mean, you know, through, you know, what you’ve heard today, what we’ve been talking about, you know, we’ve really made some strong progress, but, you know, obviously it does not end here. We’re really only just starting. We’ve got exciting milestones coming up. We have, you know, like, as I mentioned about that decentralized bridge, the first, the demo of that is going to be coming up sometime in the near future. So again, pay attention to our official channels to find out more about when and where to expect that and to learn more. We’re really, really excited to showcase the capabilities of this technology and the potential it holds for the future of, you know, BITFI, decentralized finance on Bitcoin. And we’re really excited about the ongoing integration of community feedback and contributions. Your questions here have been very, very valuable and insightful. We think that by working together, we’re going to be able to create a more robust, more inclusive blockchain ecosystem. So, you know, we encourage you guys, we invite you to join our channels, stay tuned, you know, keep up for more updates with Zula Network as we continue to drive progress and innovation forward in blockchain and Bitcoin. And you know, thank you so much, everyone, for being here. And you know, thank you, Crypto Clash, for hosting us today.


And as a reminder, you can find all the links on Crypto Clash announcement on the Telegram and Twitter.

 Thank you once again for your active participation. We look forward to seeing you on our next session. Have a great day, everyone.

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