Crypto Clash is a community of crypto enthusiasts who are committed to bringing potential projects to the forefront of the crypto world. We have a history of working with 500+ projects, and our goal is to continue building relationships with the best ones in order to help them reach their full potential. We believe in providing a positive and welcoming environment for all, and we hope to continue doing so for years to come

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Subnet: (Host)

Hello @Apeittillyoumakeitz, Hello welcome to Crypto Clash Community.

Ape Man: ( Guest )


Andrew riady from Tokoin here, pleasure to be here!


Super excited to have you here today Andrew.

Have lots of questions to ask and learn from you.

Ape Man:

Happy to share more about our project and what we have in store!


But before we dive into the details of the project, would you like to introduce yourself to our community members? Like your role at TOKO Token and may be little bit of your background?

Ape Man:

Yes sir! Im Andrew Riady, the current CMO of tokoin. I’ve been in the blockchain / crypto space since 2018, been building, learning and fostering meaningful partnership with many of the industry leaders.

I’ve been with tokoin since 2020 and currently in-charge of marketing and also partnership!



That’s amazing, Thanks for sharing.

Let’s now move to our next segment on todays agenda, that is,

Segment 2: Project Introduction

My first question to you Andrew

Could you give us a brief overview of your project “Tokoin”  and walk us through the technical aspects of your project as well as how it works in a practical sense?

Ape Man:


Tokoin as a project ICO back in 2019 on KuCoin. We are a blockchain as a service company that offers wide range of services from Tokoin futures, T-vouchers, T-wallets, De-Fi games, and De-Fi lending protocols, diversifying its offerings and contributing to making the Web3 landscape more engaging and useful.

We issue our super token , $TOKO which will be used in all of our ecosystem.

Tokoin’s main objectives and missions on a global scale revolve around expanding its community reach and contributing to the growth of the Web 3 ecosystem. With a strong presence in Southeast Asia and expanding into Latin America, Tokoin aims to increase visibility and access to a broader audience.

Through partnerships and collaborations, Tokoin strives to enhance market expansion and provide access to new investment opportunities, thus furthering its global objectives and missions.



Glad to know about how Tokoin contributing to the enrichment of web3 usecases

And hope Tokoin can have the same impact on Latin America too as of South East Asia.

Moving to my next question

Could you share with us what inspired you to create this project? What needs or gaps in the current cryptocurrency landscape did you identify that drove you to embark on this venture?

Ape Man:

The inspiration behind Tokoin’s creation stemmed from a passionate commitment to contribute to the Web 3 community, combined with a vision to expand community reach, particularly in regions like Southeast Asia and Latin America.

This drive was fueled by a recognition of the needs and gaps within the current cryptocurrency landscape, particularly the lack of infrastructure and support for businesses in emerging markets.

We identified an opportunity to empower these businesses with the tools and resources they need to thrive in the digital age, aligning our vision with the principles of Web 3.0.

By addressing these needs and gaps, Tokoin endeavors to democratize access to opportunities, foster economic inclusion, and reshape the digital landscape for the better. All with the help of our $TOKO token.



That’s amazing. Hope businesses can make the best use of the tools you’re providing and can make an impact.

Next question

What makes your project unique or different from other existing projects in the cryptocurrency space?  How do these features benefit the end-users?

Ape Man:

This is what we want to achieve!

I believe that we stand out in the cryptocurrency space due to our unique focus on empowering businesses, particularly in emerging markets, through its innovative platform.

By leveraging blockchain technology, we offers businesses the ability to securely and transparently manage their data, access financing options, and build trust with partners and customers through verified digital identities.

Tokoin’s focus will always be on empowering businesses in emerging markets! And helping builders in the web3 space for an advancement!



Thank you for clarifying.

Next question

How does Tokoin address current issues in the cryptocurrency industry, such as scalability, security, or adoption, and how does it differentiate itself from existing solutions?

Ape Man:

We offer a scalable blockchain platform tailored for businesses, prioritizing security through the blockchain technology.

Additionally, Tokoin’s practical solutions, including digital identity verification and access to financing, drive adoption among enterprises, particularly in emerging markets.

This focused approach sets Tokoin apart, making it a leader in fostering cryptocurrency adoption and growth in diverse business environments.



One last question from my side

Can you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results Tokoin has achieved so far? And any sneak peek into 2024 plans for Tokoin?


Ape Man:

We’ve been actively advancing towards this objective by expanding our DeFi platform, enhancing its security measures, and ensuring trust for all users.

We’ve been diligently working towards our goal. And we have great partnerships and more listings coming. More global partners will soon be onboard to our ecosystem soon as well! The best place to stay updated with our developments and plan is to follow our social on X and telegram @tokoinglobal !



Thank you Andrew for answering all of my questions, hope this will give everyone a basic idea about Tokoin and services it’s providing.

Now moving to our next segment on the agenda.

That is

Segment 3: Questions from Twitter

Q1. Will there be a staking feature??

when exactly and how?


Ape Man:

We have our staking feature and can be access through !


Moving to next question

Q2. What are the uses of the $TOKO token, does this token have a Burn and Buyback system? Are stakeholders able to participate in project governance?



Ape Man:

$TOKO is used in all of our ecosystem products and will be at the forefront and utility token in our future projects as well. We always do buyback every now and then and to spill a little bit of information, we will be doing one soon We do not have project governance yet, but it could be the case in the future.




One last question from Twitter

Q3. Partnership is always a important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relatiionships??



Ape Man:

We have many partners such as KuCoin (their ceo is part of our advisory board),, wadzpay, apeswap, pancakeswap and many other notable name.

We will be onboarding global partners very soon as well into our ecosystem. Recently we had partner up with a notable name as well. To find out more and to follow our updates do follow our socials!



Thank you Andrew from hearing our Twitter community and answering them.

Now it’s time for the most exciting segment

Segment 4: Live Asking

Q1. Which network can I get your $TOKO token?

Can we earn tokens using your $TOKO platform?

Ape Man:

We are available on erc20 and bep20 network. You can get our token on cex such as kucoin and While kn dex we are available on pancakeswap and apeswap. You can amplify your earnings by using our staking mechanism directly on our site

Q2 . Are you being audited? Haven’t you heard talk about the safety of funds that every investor craves and plans to escape in case of insecurity when funds, scams and anger pull? How strongly is your security built? 

Ape Man:

We are audited by peckshield, a third party audited and trusted globally. We take security as a priority and we continuously strive to develop an ecosystem with the best security enhancements.


Thank you Andrew for answering our questions and enlightening us with the concept of Tokoin

Ape Man:

Thank you for having me!

Its been a pleasure


Before we end our session do you have any last message for our community members?

Ape Man:

Thank you for having me and hope to see you over at our vibrant community!


Thanks Andrew for your time today. and thanks everyone who were hearing us today.

Business has only two functions — marketing and innovation
Milan Kundera

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